SmartCompounders, Robotic Chemo-Automation System
- Description Robotic Chemotherapy Compounding System for automated and sterile Preparation of cytotoxic Drugs, simplifying and optimizing the Medication Mixing Process to enhance Operator Safety and reduce Contamination Risk, the device utilizes advanced gravimetric dosing Technology and fully EMR-integrated Automation, minimizing Errors and accelerating Medication Workflows, it provides maximum Protection against toxic Substances with secure, closed Chemfort® System Technology (Simplivia REF: n/a)
- Dimension Compact Design tailored to Pharmacy Space Requirements, fitting seamlessly into existing Work Areas (110×40 cm, 15 kg).
- Details Simplivia
- Item Code QTM 4-0012-0
- Specification
Production Capacity: Up to 60 Preparations per Hour
Efficiency: 30% more productive than comparable Systems
Simultaneous Preparations: Up to 10 at once
Versatility: Preparation of up to 4 different drugs per Run
Production Modes: Patient-specific, batch Preparation, and dose Banding
Energy Consumption: 90% less Energy than comparable Systems, averaging 80 Watts - Instruction for Use n/a